Kid’s Program

Kid’s Program

Jiu Jitsu helps kids to develop muscle coordination, learn discipline, and work well with others. Kids in our program:

• Have fun
• Get exercise
• Build confidence
• Learn discipline and listening skills
• Develop body control
• Gain respect for themselves and others
• Learn about basic self defense and anti-bullying

We accept kids aged four and older.

Kid’s Schedule


Kids class (ages 4-9): 4:00-4:50pm
Kids class (ages 10 and up): 5:00-5:50pm


Kids class (ages 4-9): 4:00-4:50pm
Kids class (ages 10 and up): 5:00-5:50pm


*NEW* Kids class (all ages): 10:15-11am

To schedule a private lesson, email:

"I have been honored to be a part of the Monadnock bjj family for several years now. I put both of our daughters in the kid’s program for about 2 years before I got up the courage to join in. It was a pleasure to watch them grow and develop in their newfound grappling skills.Read More

That was the first time I got to watch either of them really exert themselves and push their limits physically. Then, after class one fateful evening, my 12 year old daughter was able to demonstrate a sweet take-down…on me. I joined the adult class that next week and haven’t looked back.It’s an intense and humbling experience to begin jiujitsu as an adult but it has been life changing in many wonderful ways. The people at Monadnock are great. Everyone is friendly, and willing to give and receive advice when needed. The sport seems to self-select for humility and that is reflected in our group. I have learned things there in the past few years that have made me a better father and husband. I have gained a much better sense of patience. It has been very helpful for me personally and I am proud to participate with those folks and call them my friends.”

- Michael Kasschau